Sunday school classes for toddlers to adults begins at 8:45am.
Our worship service with Communion begins at 10:00am. You are invited to stick around after the service for some delicious treats provided by members of Ascension.
Ascension Lutheran Church
2780 Haslett Road
East Lansing, MI 48911
During Advent and Lent, we hold weekly Wednesday night services at 7pm
We're thrilled you are interested in joining us for worship! Whether this is your first time attending church or you're an active church-goer, you may have some questions about what to expect when you get here. Maybe you haven't attended a traditional Lutheran service before and you want to find out more about the way we worship. Either way, you're in the right place!
We've tried to cover any possible questions you might have below. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us!
We are located at 2780 Haslett Road in East Lansing, between Hagadorn and Park Lake Road. Ascension is on the south side of the road.
Our Sunday schedule begins at 8:45am with our Sunday School classes for kids and adults. The Divine Service follows at 10am and lasts for about an hour (usually no later than 11:15am). Stick around after the service for our fellowship time featuring some wonderfully delicious goodies.
We recommend wearing clothes. But all kidding aside, some people dress up in their "Sunday best" while others come wearing something more casual or comfortable. You don't need to worry about impressing anybody.
Our parking lot extends all the way around our building, so finding a place to park should be easy. If you're arriving for worship, there are two entrances on the south end of the building. Those lead you into the sanctuary. We have an entrance on the north side of the building that leads to our church offices.
Our Divine Service is best described as historic, traditional, and liturgical. It is historic in that the shape and form of the service connect with the worship that the Christian church has engaged in for centuries. It is traditional in that it ties into our Lutheran heritage and pulls from the rich tapestry of worship that has been passed down to us. And it is liturgical in that we follow an order of service that helps guide us through the service of the Word (preaching) and the service of the Sacrament (the Lord's Supper). There are spoken and sung responsive readings, hymns, prayers, and more. Our service incorporates a great deal of participation.
Yes! Yes! Yes! We don't divide up families when it comes to worship. Additionally, if we truly believe that God is actively delivering His gifts to us in worship, why would we want our kids to miss out on that?
They're kids. It happens. The sound of children in a worship service is one of the best things you can ever hear! If you are concerned about potential disruptions, we do have a cry room attached to the sanctuary. This room has a huge window looking into the worship space and an audio feed of the service is broadcast in there. This way if you want to give your children a chance to get the wiggles out, nobody misses out on the service!
Let's start with what we understand Communion to be. Scripture teaches us that it is nothing less than the body and blood of Jesus Christ - in, with, and under the bread and wine that we eat and drink. So we are not only eating and drinking bread and wine, but also Christ's body and blood. Jesus attaches certain promises to this Sacrament: forgiveness of sins, strengthening of the faith, and eternal salvation.
This gift is for all baptized Christians who believe in Christ's Words that these things are "FOR YOU." If you agree with all of what you have read so far, then yes, you are welcome to receive Communion!
Scripture also warns about receiving the Sacrament in an unworthy manner - that it is possible to bring judgment on yourself by not discerning the body and blood when we eat and drink the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). That's why we would discourage anyone from receiving the Sacrament if they don't understand fully what it is they are receiving. We are concerned for you!
If you do not wish to receive the Sacrament, you are still invited to come to the altar during that time to receive a blessing. You'll notice others holding their hands out to receive the Sacrament - if you just keep your hands at your side, the Pastor will know to give you a blessing.
We work around your schedule to find the best way to make sure you have all your questions answered and you have a good understanding of what we preach, teach, and confess. That can take the form of formal new member classes or a more casual individual instruction. Contact the church office and let them know that you are interested!